Well, it's certainly been too long since the first post! But I just got done with the third and fourth installments of Jeff's Ptolemaic project and sent them off to him. Jeff has formatted them for
ancientbattles.com, but here are a few teaser photos:
First are the two "rank and file" phalangites which Jeff sent me as painted examples to go by:
And here are the three types of figures that I've done for him, first the same two as his examples; these are 1st Corps' Ptolemaic phalangites from several years ago:

And here is the third type, 1st Corps' new style of Ptolemaic phalangite:
And here is the entire unit, completed:
So keep any eye on Jeff's site; he'll have the completed unit up soon, I expect! Here's a link to the first of the series of articles: